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Publicado: Miércoles, 27 de Abril de 2005 19:02
por Gaspode
Me ha llegado en el newsletter de Gamespot la noticia de un nuevo Myst en desarrollo.No se si os habreis hecho eco por aqui del desarrollo del juego, pero no me suena. Por si acaso, y por si a alguien le interesa:

Rounding out the lot, we've got a preview of Myst V: End of Ages, along with a developer interview featuring Myst co-creator (and star) Rand Miller. Sounds like Myst V is going to be something of a departure from last year's excellent game, which was developed by Ubisoft Montreal rather than by Cyan Worlds, the original developer of this influential series of adventure games. With this outing, Cyan will be bringing back a fully 3D experience, as well as bringing back some more of the exploration-based experience from the original Myst. I really liked Myst IV, so I'll be looking forward to playing this one once it's finished.

There's lots more that we posted in the past few days, but those three stories ought to get you started. Keep checking back often these days, and mark your calendar for the week of May 15, because things are going to be awful interesting when that time comes.

Publicado: Miércoles, 27 de Abril de 2005 19:14
por Blacklash
Sí, y por lo visto es el último de la saga.

Los del comando anti-Myst somos los que mas nos hemos alegrado de ello. :twisted:

Publicado: Miércoles, 27 de Abril de 2005 21:53
por Lehman
Sí, de hecho nos hicimos eco meses ha xDD:



Si es queeeee... xD

Publicado: Jueves, 28 de Abril de 2005 1:39
por Gaspode
Osti que cuento tienes Lehman, eso lo has hecho en 5 minutos pa meternos la pirula :P xDD. Es broma. :roll: