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Para jugar al sherlock holmes 2

Publicado: Domingo, 17 de Julio de 2005 22:15
por Swampling
Tengo Windows XP y no hay manera. No funciona ni con el DosBox. ¿Alguien puede ayudarme a jugar de nuevo a "Los Archivos Secretos de Sherlock Holmes: El Caso de La Rosa Tatuada"? Gracias.

Publicado: Martes, 19 de Julio de 2005 17:02
por Cronopio
He probado por mí mismo las instrucciones que figuran en esta página y funciona perfectamente ( hay que tener el VDM sound). La página: http://home.earthlink.net/~angeldancer2 ... istA_E.htm

Las instrucciones:

Let's install "The Rose"

Put the CD1 into your default CD ROM DRIVE.

Go to-->My Computer-->Whatever letter Drive you've placed it in (mine is "D") -->Right Click and locate the following file: AUTORUN.EXE. Choose-->Properties then follow the chart below.


Compatibility mode-->

Display Settings-->
check-->disable visual themes

input settings-->
check-->turn off advanced text services for this program

Click Apply. Click OK.

Double click on this file.

The Autostart splash screen will come up. Click on "INSTALL".

The Installation program will begin and will tell you that it will install the files to "C:\HOLMES2" let it.

SetSound will be next ... follow through all prompts. I chose Creative Labs SOUNDBLASTER & 100% Compatibles for both MIDI and Digital sound since we will be using VDMSOUND. I suggest you do the same.

Click on Done. Exit back to Desktop.

Locate C:\HOLMES2 game file on your system. Double Click to open.

Locate the file: HOLMES2.BAT Right Click --> Properties --> Compatibility-->and follow the rules in Table 1

Click Apply. Click OK.

Right Click once again on this file and choose Send To --> Desktop.

Close out of all windows back to the Desk top. Locate HOLMES2.BAT on the Desk Top. Right Click.--> Properties. Follow the rules in the table below:

SHORTCUT--> RUN--> Maximized
Close on Exit--> Uncheck Box


Command History-->

edit options-->

Full Screen

Buffers = 50
Number of Buffers = 4

quick edit mode

Compatibility--> Compatibility mode--> no option checked
Display Settings--> check-->disable visual themes

input settings--> check-->turn off advanced text services for this program

Click Apply. Click OK.

Right Click once again --> Choose "Short Cut" --> Change ICON --> ignore the error message and click ok. When the new window appears click--> Browse. Browse through the hierarchy until you locate the HOLMES2 game folder. Click on this folder and you'll see the icon. Click on the Icon and then click on "OPEN" . Click "OK" then Click APPLY. Click OK.

To play The Case of the Rose Tattoo, Right Click on this new Icon on your Desktop and choose "Run with VDMS" (with no musical note).


Publicado: Martes, 19 de Julio de 2005 17:17
por Blacklash

Prueba a hacer esto con el Dosbox, (si no lo has hecho ya), en principio deberia de funcionar.

Hala, chuerte.

Publicado: Jueves, 21 de Julio de 2005 4:23
por eidan
El juego funciona perfectamente con DOSBox 0.61 pero no se por que, no funciona con las versiones 0.62 ni la ultima 0.63


Publicado: Domingo, 18 de Septiembre de 2005 2:17
por Swampling
Lo probaré todo! Gracias a todos!